
Tony Robbins best motivational speech FOCUS ON YOURSELF | Tony Robbins Motivational Speaker |


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Tony Robbins Best Motivational Speech FOCUS ON YOURSELF 

"Everyone encounters extraordinary worry eventually in their life. I don't care who we are. Something happens outside our control and it hits our life and it knocks us on our tail. It might be health stress. It could be something with your family. It could be an economic career. It could be something emotional that happens biochemically. There are so many things it could be an environmental situation that had nothing to do with you. Every one of us in our lifetime is experiencing extreme stress and these days because of the economy and the way we've responded to it. The majority of people are experiencing some form of extreme stress at least according to pulse stress doesn't come from the facts. stress comes from the meaning that we give the facts. Yes, those things have happened. but the real question is, if we fight what's happened we've got a problem you're the side. What are we gonna do with what's happening in life? How are we gonna take this? how are we gonna ball this? how we're gonna turn our life around. cuz when you come up with a new meaning get a new life. So what are we gonna do in this session So in this session we're gonna take a look at something from a different perspective? We're gonna ask you this question: what is the single force that controls the quality of your life? If there is one gift our Creator has given us or the universe, whatever you believe.

What is it what is the one power that you have right now at this moment that can change everything you haven't. I haven't. We all have it if this one singular individual power that can change anything in our life regardless of what's happened to us and I know you know the answer is the power of choice. The one thing we have in this world is we can't control the events but we can choose what to focus on. we can choose what things mean but we can choose what to do. those three choices really control our lives. It's not so much the conditions of our life that control our destiny as much as the decisions of our life that try for a second to think about something. think about your life and just think about are there a few decisions. If I was to ask you two decisions you've made in life you know that. If you would have made a different decision you would have a totally different life I mean. It may be a life made that better or may have been worse. I don't know but he would have a different life. I'm not asking you to buy into the fact that you should have known the answers.

I just want you to see the power of a decision. How is your life better today cuz the decision you made years ago not just negative ones think about it? Sometimes a little decision changes your whole life like you decide one day to go to a certain school and you go to that school to go eat someplace and you bump into a person that becomes the love of your life or you meet someone and you decide as a result of that you're gonna become a photographer or a software engineer or a business person or a doctor or a dentist whatever they impacted you but you made the decision that's what I really want. That's what my life's gonna be about and that decision has affected so much of your life. What do you do? How you live your life? How you spend your time, what you earn or don't earn you know who you attract into your life, beliefs you have all come from some of these little decisions. What you decide to eat from your dairy plane each night certainly determines your physical best. they all know that at least to a certain extent another surname that's genetics but I'm talking about the stuff you like.So decisions equal destiny. It's not our conditions it's our decisions. So if we want a new life if we want a new experience we gotta make new choices. if you don't like the way your career is or your businesses change it. If you don't like your body change it. You don't like your relationship changing you first because if you change it. You'll bring you to the next one maybe it's time to change it too but change yourself first. If you want to change any of your life you have the choice so there is no right or wrong. I just want to make you aware in this breakthrough session that everything in our life changes the moment. We make a decision I mean a real decision.

The decision is when you cut off any other possibility you commit to something with everything. you've got and you take action but the big decisions start with little decisions like what am I gonna focus on because whatever you focus on .you're gonna feel if you focus on all the things that have been done to you in your life, of course, you're gonna feel like hell. If you focus on all the amazing coincidences that have happened. that maybe they were guided maybe thought but things happen and because of that you met this person that's your best friend your husband, your wife or because of that you have this ability or because you were there that day God you missed an accident. I don't know what it is but whatever you focus on you're gonna feel. If you focus on people who don't care and you look through reasons why they don't care and evidence they don't care you'll find it, everyone.if you look for evidence that people are really good people inside that level. We all care about each other you'll find. It seeks and you shall find the secret has you become conscious about your decision-making because this breakthrough session is really going to change your life and make new choices. New life comes from new choices but you gotta make conscious choices.

The people in this particular television special know Melissa and her husband; they really found himself at a place. When you make decisions about what to focus on what things mean. what to do in your unconscious you get pretty terrible results usually now we've all done this. I do it still we all do but if you want to change your results you got to become more conscious in your decision-making. so think about what you focus on you will feel whether .it's true or not you focus on our people don't care you're gonna feel, they don't care the second decision you make is whether things mean so you focus on something someone does and you come up with meaning and the meaning is no one loves me the meaning is they're trying to take advantage of me depending on what meaning you come up with and you get to choose the meaning of anything for some people. They say this situation happened with the economy and what that means is.I'm going broke somebody else said the situation with the economy guess .what that means. I'm gonna work harder, I'm gonna be more creative. It changed everything everybody else is gonna quit. So we're gonna dominate the marketplace. The people to do it is this the end right now or is it the beginning to see whether it's the end of the beginning is your choice you get to decide because once you make up a meaning. it's true if you think this is the end of a relationship are you gonna treat people the same way as if you think.

It's at the beginning of the relationship no way in fact. I tell people if you want to have a great relationship think about this, treat people like you did at the beginning of the relationship and there will be an end at the beginning of the relationship. when somebody says to you would you take off the trash. what do you say of course stick up the trash and you're happy to do anything right but after about six months or six years you can take them out. the trash goes. What do you mean well I look like your janitor takes out your own trash the meaning we give things is very different. It suddenly feels different in our life that's different in the beginning. You'll do anything for someone now you make up a new meaning. Why should I have to do that for them? Little choices like what to believe about yourself want to believe about other people. Whether this is the end of the beginning will start to affect your whole life now the third decision we make to decide with the focus on most of us unconsciously we decide what things mean and the third thing to decide is. What are we gonna do? It is like to quit because it's overwhelming. They decide to get strong and focus on this. I'm gonna turn it around beside the wait and see ultimately your destiny is determined by what you do. For example, what do you do if somebody comes to you one day and says you have a tumor and have that experience.

I use that as a reference and a lot of intense experience in my life but that was one of the more intense ones for sure had many but that was very intense you know first. What do you focus on? It's over if you focus on one knee you give. it is a meaning that says I'm gonna die. What do you do just go through a traditional therapeutic approach? Do you put yourself in the hands of someone else? Do you evaluate this you get a second or third opinion your destiny is determined by your decisions now? If you're a guy like Lance Armstrong you focus immediately on. I gotta find a solution the minute you come up with this. This is the ultimate battle. Will you decide to do it if you're gonna exhaust every possibility now that doesn't guarantee you're gonna succeed but it's interesting? When you have that kind of a mindset that shifts you, Lance Armstrong, when he was told things like the look you got a-you got tumors here and brain. he got him in your lungs right you got obviously and testicles if you ride a bike for a living that's pretty tough but he made it to all those pieces. Now am I saying cuz he made the right choices. can't tell you that there's certainly some Grace and everything. I think in life there are three things there's our ability to choose what we're focused on or to commit to getting a result to put all our intention and focus into something there's our ability to do the right things now. the right strategy to execute and then there's some grace there's what some people call luck, some people call grace.there's if you do the right things over and over again and with total focus sometimes you know you get a good fortune that comes your way and you tend to have more good fortune. when you're totally focused and decisive and you take lots of action. if you kind of just sit around and accept things like that you don't have a future."

                                                                            ~Tony Robbins

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